Only 5 more days until the month of madness begins. Starting to get that feeling I need to go on leave or have an "accident" at work as so I can do nothing but follow the tournament.
There is nothing like a bit of body paint to raise the spirits and/or blood pressure.

How about now?
I hope these ladies make it to South Africa, outfits and all.

If that doesn't get you ready for the madness at hand then you shouldn't be reading this. There are quite a few more lovely ladies on display in my main man Swaby's article here. Friday can't come soon enough, now the only question at hand is where the weekend's festivities should take place? And when the fuck are my USA jerseys going to arrive so I can represent in style as we bend over Engerland Saturday morning?
The choice of venue is important, although no matter where we go the Ex Pats will be in abundance and in full voice. We need to rise to the occasion and match their enthusiasm and hopefully team USA can send a message and show the world they can be a big player this summer.
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