On our early morning ventures to the pub one thing has become painstakingly clear, the result will influence the entire weekend.
A 7 AM kick off Saturday morning usually requires a subdued Friday night in order to be functional.
This week a few of us made it to the Galaxy Red Bulls match in Carson so it would be a feast of football, or so we thought. It would be a quick turn around to be at the pub in Hollywood Saturday morning.
The match being over at 9 leaves you with the entire day to bask in glory or wallow in one's own misery.
Heaven forbid you support other teams in any sport, I tend to find that the results will follow suit in the same fashion and the football will set the tone for the entire weekend's proceedings.
I am coming off a weekend to forget in a sporting sense and couldn't get it behind me fast enough.
I left the pub Saturday morning trying to figure out how in the hell I was going to block the result out of my mind as to not ruin the rest of the day(week). I spoke on the phone with my fellow Pinter, and his first question was Uh oh, did you drink more or less?
I was in such a state of shock and disbelief I couldn't even muster the courage to go that route and dip into an early morning buzz. I will say that if one is quite toasty by nine the day will be quite interesting or absolutely worthless. And I wasn't ready to commit to that.
I could feel the disdain for other fans and my own anger at the result and performance of the players and knew I had to step away for the day. Immerse myself in something, anything else for the day. I tried to watch some baseball and college football to get my mind off things without self medicating and had some success.
Starting with the Galaxy's disappointing performance Friday night at the HDC to a home loss to a newly promoted team at home, the tone of the weekend was set and all my teams followed suit.
Crazy how the weekend hinges on those two hours, luckily I support a decent team who doesn't leave me feeling that way too often.
To a better week ahead...
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